You seem to be making a hash of understanding the points I make, Brian and then being mendacious as a response.
I do not call for appeasment. I seek a better, more effective way of fighting a scourge.
Error. The KGB point was in relation to Femonazism, not Bush, and a response to you bringing it up.
The personal slur. I may have been an ATO and your ATOs may well not be at the sharp end enough for your liking, but I was jungle fighting, in firefights in the swamps and it doesn't get much sharper. I have killed and seen my comrades killed. So fuck off.
Ignorance. Clutterbuck didn't consider the PLO to be the first or even specific. Patrice Lamumba University in Moscow was the terrorist trainer/exporter.
Excuser. The Northern Irish VOTED democratically to be part of Great Britain and American private monies simply supplemented the KGB's Irish Mayhem budget to dismember democratic people, shoot fathers infront of their children, blow up high street shops, and bring terror. Look at the beam in your own eye.
More excusism. Don't give me 400 year old shit about Irish 'oppression' like some femonazi re-creating non existent strife. Do you want your children's children to use that mendacity in 400 years time allowing muslim terrorists a free pass at continuing more WTCs or spreading terror in Baton Rouge and Boston, paid for by an allies' money who then say the terrorists have a point? Get real or put your dildo to good use.
More slur. I can assure you I do not see real life as a TV program. Maybe you have been watching too much 'West Wing' and old John Wayne movies.
Whining. Majorities of dead americans at the WTC do not reduce the pain of dead Australians and British and a host of other nations. That's why we fight alongside you in Iraq, thicko.
Mendacity. I accepted fighting on others soil as a neccesity. I honoured American soldiers' efforts, so keep your 'bovine scatt' to yourself.
Sheer gall.
We are now forced with having to do it the hard way like we had to do in 1941 because the world let Hittler and Tojo fester from 1930 on
WE? What you mean 'WE, white eyes? The rest of the 'world', sunshine. was fighting, dying in 1939 to 41 while America sat on its arse making its mind up.
Deliberate misapprehension. I do not spread dis-information. The effort in Iraq is honourable but not enough and not well enough done. As your own General Staff are continually saying.
Few things are done as well as we would hope despite best efforts. That is a POV. It is a reasonable critique and calling for managing a better way. Name me a war which went well and can be uncritically accepted as a 'perfect' execution. We strive to do better. Appeasement isn't one of the options I seek unlike America for several years when Britain stood alone.
Now wind your neck in and call for all-female battalions to balance the male dead. Women who are 'equal' after all, should be in there 'doing it better'. If a fuck-up is to be applauded, let them fuck it up for a change.[/quote]