Want to help plan the way forward? UnitedEqualParentingConf

Started by Raymond Cuttill, Jun 15, 2006, 12:47 PM

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Raymond Cuttill

Want to help plan the way forward?

Come and help plan the way forward at the United Equal Parenting Conference - The Way Forward, this Saturday 17th 10am at the Central Hall Westminster, London (opposite Westminster Abbey and close to Parliament Square). You can hear about from authors like Barry Worrall ("Without Authority") and Neil Lyndon ("No More Sex War"), hear from Philip A. Else of the Equal Parenting Alliance and from Mike Kelly of Real Fathers For Justice (who may bring a video of the Blair residence protest on Friday) and others. Hear about what they suggest and what others have to say and have your say, what you want and what you'd like to happen. Entrance is free but a donation of whatever you can afford commensurate with a full day's event would be appreciated. Check out the website www.unitedconference.com for more information. Come and have your say on equal parenting.


Time has been allocated for maximum discourse and exchange of views and information

10 am Introduction

10:10 Barry Worrall - Family Law - A personal review

11:00 PACT - Victims of Another War

11:45 Discussion and questions

12 pm Lunch

12:30pm John Campion - Divorce Law Practice - The Matrilineal Society

12:45pm Neil Lyndon - It's time for men to get political

1:30 pm Philip A. Else - Equal Parenting Alliance

2:00 pm Discussion and questions

2:30pm Wendy - A Woman's Story

2:45 pm Mike Kelly - Real Fathers For Justice

3:15 pm Final Discussion and Panel

4:45 pm Close
aymond Cuttill

United Equal Parenting Conference, London, June 17, 2006 - www.unitedconference.com
Men's Hour Blog


Nice work! Wish I could be there to help you all out. Maybe next may if I am in Surry like I plan for a friend's wedding. :)

Sir Percy

Stuck here in Oz when all the fun is over there! Huh.

Fortunately I can be there in Spirit. I will be flying my (Flt Sim) Learjet over Columbus, Ohio, to support the F4J day there. Maybe at lunchtime when the picnic is in full swing.  I can be at Heathrow at 9.45 to bugger up all the international arrivals as I struggle up to do a fly over Westminster Hall at 10.00 as a warm up.

Good luck guys. Give 'em rice. Look up and think of me thinking of you.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.

Sir Percy

Well guys, it is late Saturday where I am. I was with you in Spirit.

I left the Steed with a bale of hay and mounted my Learjet at Heathrow. T/o at 9.45 GMT heading East. A turn left onto 040 at 2000 ft and there was Westminster on the nose. Hahaha. I was probaly breaking every aviation law in the place but I criss-crossed the area at 200kts at 1500ft dropping virtual leaflets of support. After half an hour I figured your conference was in full swing and hoped it was packed with supporters, so I set course for Stansted. Landed fine, a bit fast but otherwise a tyre change was all that was needed! ( Off to Columbus Ohio after that)

I hope your day was a great success.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


I was there Sir Percy and met quite few of my heros..Neil Lyndon, Raymond Cutill and the Prince of them all Angryharry. I also made a few friends along the way.

I came away with a few ideas that I need to investigate further but i'm hoping we can shape them into a practical plan that will change laws and put a minister of men in place to act as watchout and scout for low flying feminists.


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