More feminist insanity!!

Started by Wookie, Jun 16, 2006, 01:18 AM

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You cannot make this shit up :shock:

Artificial Wombs and Pregnant Men

By Annalee Newitz, AlterNet. Posted June 6, 2006.

Feminists shouldn't back away from the debate on genetic engineering, or it'll be up to the men. Again.

I've been sorely disappointed by feminists' responses to genetic engineering. Like many life sciences, genetic engineering has its dark side -- but that's no excuse for groups like Gene Watch to claim that the feminist position on genetic engineering should be "Just say no." Why the hell shouldn't feminists seize the means of reproduction and turn them to our own best interests? Why shouldn't we be at the table when policymakers determine the best ways to regulate cloning, genetic engineering and new reproductive technologies?

The primary goal of a feminist genetic engineering project is to cut the reproductive process loose from patriarchy and male domination. One simple way to do that is to make sure feminist politics are front and center in any discussion about how we will use genetic engineering to eliminate harmful birth defects. I think we can all agree that it would be great to make sure babies aren't born with holes in their hearts, but what about girl babies born with small breasts? Can't you just see some clueless researcher claiming that women with small breasts are "harmed" psychologically, and that therefore we should engineer all women to have big ones? Feminists need to shut that shit down right away.

But what do we want? First of all, we want genetic engineering to transform the way families work, perhaps by making it possible for two women to create a baby without male intervention

Can we have a straight jacket to room 20 please nurse!

Right I am off to the lab to work on my geneticly modifid women with huge breasts, 3ft in hight and a flat head so I can rest my beer!

he Light That Burns Twice As Bright Burns Half As Long - Blade Runner

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)


The primary goal of a feminist genetic engineering project is to cut the reproductive process loose from patriarchy and male domination. One simple way to do that is to make sure feminist politics are front and center in any discussion about how we will use genetic engineering to eliminate harmful birth defects. I think we can all agree that it would be great to make sure babies aren't born with holes in their hearts, but what about girl babies born with small breasts? Can't you just see some clueless researcher claiming that women with small breasts are "harmed" psychologically, and that therefore we should engineer all women to have big ones? Feminists need to shut that shit down right away.

Yeah, 'cos that only works one way. I'm sure that having a massive penis would be a psychological boost for most men. Erm... I mean it is a massive boost psychologically.

However I personally think that there need to be limitations and laws drawn up on what can or can't be done with genetic manipulation. I don't want the rich producing super-intelligent babies just because they can afford the best clinics.

What is quite telling about the article is the feminist view that only women would be modified or improved with such treatment, and that their most pressing concern is an ability to make men redundant in the act of creating life.
Dr. Kathleen Dixon, the Director of Women's Studies: "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!"


Perhaps when MEN perfect genetic engineering, we can create a feminist who doesn't have a mouth.  :D


If we turn our backs on the debate, it will just go on without us. And we know how that turns out already. Just look at what happened with birth control pills. The pill was developed and tested in the 1950s entirely by male researchers...

And the oppression hasn't eased-up since!

And what man would EVER want us to get rid of the monthly cycles and concomitant insufferable behavior that womyn are enslaved by? The jerks. I'm gonna get a pint of Chunky Monkey.


I think the part about girls born with small breasts re-enforces what Rush Limbaugh said about femenism being created to give ugly women more say in mainstream society.
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.


When the Solanis hoards finally rid the Earth of males and established the feminist utopia of LeSCUMbo this technology aided them in propagating the species - in female form only of course.

Over time it became apparent that the physical infrastructure of the whole world was becoming redundant, breaking down, wearing out and not being replaced. The LeSCUMbo committee of mynagement set the genetic scientists to work to create a humyn capable of the physical and intellectual processes necessary to get everything working again.

The day finally arrived when the finished product was to be demonstrated to the overseeing committee. As the curtain was opened a loud gasp emynated from the audience. Several committee members rushed to the exits holding their stomachs. Many more fainted on the spot. One member was heard to exclaim "But...but...isn't that a man?" and was hacked to death on the spot.

After the offending mutation and the scientists responsible were burned the committee of mynagement put another group to work with firm instructions as to their expectations. Unfortunately it all came to naught. Unbeknown to the inhabitants of leSCUMbo the world's battery plants had been infiltrated by invaders from the Lesser Magellanic Cloud who had seeded the worlds supply of D cells with an undetectable radium based virus. The last humyn died approximately two years later.

Encyclopędia Galactica
Edition V

In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.

Sir Percy

You cannot make this shit up  

vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


Neon wrote:
However I personally think that there need to be limitations and laws drawn up on what can or can't be done with genetic manipulation. I don't want the rich producing super-intelligent babies just because they can afford the best clinics.

I am in agreement with you here mate; it is a growing area that everybody should be concerned about.

I just loved the way this loon of a feminist framed it.

I can see it now:

Scientist 1: Right guys, now if we adapt this, then this we will eliminate cancer from humans

Scientist 2: Balls to that mate, if we do this, we can make all women have huge boobs

Que high Five

Scientist 1: the patriarchy rocks!!

he Light That Burns Twice As Bright Burns Half As Long - Blade Runner

"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself."
John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)


Quote from: "Wookie"
Neon wrote:
However I personally think that there need to be limitations and laws drawn up on what can or can't be done with genetic manipulation. I don't want the rich producing super-intelligent babies just because they can afford the best clinics.

I am in agreement with you here mate; it is a growing area that everybody should be concerned about.

I just loved the way this loon of a feminist framed it.

I can see it now:

Scientist 1: Right guys, now if we adapt this, then this we will eliminate cancer from humans

Scientist 2: Balls to that mate, if we do this, we can make all women have huge boobs

Que high Five

Scientist 1: the patriarchy rocks!!


Dr. Kathleen Dixon, the Director of Women's Studies: "We forbid any course that says we restrict free speech!"

Sir Percy

I don't want the rich producing super-intelligent babies just because they can afford the best clinics.

Why not? Is being poor preferable?
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


I just love how any breakthrough, insignificant or otherwise, that is not a 'sanctioned' breakthrough for women (read feminist stamp of OK'ness), automatically gets labeled as something useless.

Take Viagra for instance.  Most femikooks will deny its need.  Furthermore, they will vehiminently deny that PD is not a 'real medical issue'.  They automatically spin it so that it appears that a bunch of male scientists got together and decided to come up with a pill that would allow men to rap..... err get it up... err....  Shoot, what's the PC word to use here..... :-)

There are many, and I mean MANY causes of PD.  Some are physical, and some are just due to the side affects of meds taken to address another issue.  Two that come to mind that have a seriously high side affect rate of PD are Effexor and Lorazapam (sp).

It all comes down to if it is specifically for men, it must be bad.  So having an artifical womb, enabling men to parent a child from conception without the 'need' of a woman, is threatening and since it could be a good thing for men, it must be bad.  Oh, sure.  The all mighty dollar is a factor as well, I agree.  My point is still the same.

To continue with my pathetic grammar and babbling.....  Why do you think it has taken (and still is) so long for some sort of 'male pill'?  I personally believe that the ability is there.  Shoot, I believe that they (generic) know exactly how to do it safely already.  The real question is, why won't they produce it?

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


I love how the FEMS praise the birth controll pill in one breath and damn it with the next.
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.

The Gonzman

Quote from: "Rob"
Perhaps when MEN perfect genetic engineering, we can create a feminist who doesn't have a mouth.  :D

Why not?  Obviously they already lack both brains and hearts.

Their lack of souls, though, is a topic for a philosophical rather than scientific discussion.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the MEANEST son-of-a-bitch in the valley.

The Gonzman

Quote from: "Wookie"
Right I am off to the lab to work on my geneticly modifid women with huge breasts, 3ft in hight and a flat head so I can rest my beer!


You forgot the pistol-grip ears, and lung capacity sufficient to suck-start a 2 liter engine.

Jeez.  Bloody amateur.  It's lack of ambition like that which caused the collapse of the British Empire.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the MEANEST son-of-a-bitch in the valley.


Quote from: "Gonzokid"
It's lack of ambition like that which caused the collapse of the British Empire.

Actually it was my ancestors emigrating to Aus.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.

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