I just love how any breakthrough, insignificant or otherwise, that is not a 'sanctioned' breakthrough for women (read feminist stamp of OK'ness), automatically gets labeled as something useless.
Take Viagra for instance. Most femikooks will deny its need. Furthermore, they will vehiminently deny that PD is not a 'real medical issue'. They automatically spin it so that it appears that a bunch of male scientists got together and decided to come up with a pill that would allow men to rap..... err get it up... err.... Shoot, what's the PC word to use here..... :-)
There are many, and I mean MANY causes of PD. Some are physical, and some are just due to the side affects of meds taken to address another issue. Two that come to mind that have a seriously high side affect rate of PD are Effexor and Lorazapam (sp).
It all comes down to if it is specifically for men, it must be bad. So having an artifical womb, enabling men to parent a child from conception without the 'need' of a woman, is threatening and since it could be a good thing for men, it must be bad. Oh, sure. The all mighty dollar is a factor as well, I agree. My point is still the same.
To continue with my pathetic grammar and babbling..... Why do you think it has taken (and still is) so long for some sort of 'male pill'? I personally believe that the ability is there. Shoot, I believe that they (generic) know exactly how to do it safely already. The real question is, why won't they produce it?