Always face the traffic.
When walking along a country road one should always face the traffic. There are a number of reasons for this, firstly, if a driver is not paying attention and looks like running you down then you can always jump into a ditch and save yourself.
Not all accidents are truly accidents however- and cars the favourite weapons of angry women. It is also rumoured that the security services in the UK use traffic accidents as a means of removing people they find embarrassing. This may well be nothing but paranoia- but we must remember that feminists have infiltrated most areas of government so why should we not find them in the security services?
Far more likely than outright assassination is surveillance. A surprising number of people are followed for bureaucratic reasons. Once a person is seen as being of interest to the security service then they may be watched for years for no other reason than bureaucratic inertia. You may argue that you have nothing to hide and for this reason you will take no surveillance countermeasures. My answer to this is that you probably have something in your past that would embarrass either you or someone else. This may be used to discredit you even though nobody was hurt by your original actions.
You cannot detect of prevent a high priority surveillance team from looking into your life but costly operations such as these are reserved for terrorists and members of foreign intelligence services. We are far less important than these people and for this reason face a lower grade of spook. Simple precautions such as facing the traffic can make it obvious to the activist that he is being surveyed by car. Once the same car has passed us four times we will almost certainly notice it, even if we have no reason to be suspicious.
Always face the traffic.