Child Support Thugs Steal from Dead Child

Started by Sir Jessy of Anti, Jun 16, 2006, 06:23 AM

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Sir Jessy of Anti

Girl's death lost in the system

Dad paid support for 11 years after child killed

By Stacy Horany/Times Record News
June 7, 2006

A check in the mail led Daniel Davenport to a terrible discovery.

The Wichitan had lost his daughter, Ashley,when he and her mother broke up in 1988. Ashley stayed in the Golden State with her mother. Davenport left California in 1990 and returned to Wichita Falls.

Davenport lost Ashley again - this time to a fatal car accident in July 1995.

But he wouldn't know about the wreck until 11 years later after, receiving a refund check for child support, arrears and medical insurance from the Texas Attorney General's office.

Davenport pulled the check from his mailbox one day in April - of this year.

When Davenport and his fiancee Kelly Reece contacted the office to question the refund, they were told "the child is deceased and no more payments are required."

A check for $2,160 was all that remained of Ashley's life.

Davenport is sickened by the fact that his daughter's life was shuffled away, lost in 11 years worth of paperwork, like a file on a messy desk.

"I thought they meant she had been dead six months since that was how much child support the check was for," Davenport said. Davenport said the Texas office told him he'd have to contact the Stanislaus County Department of Child Support Services in California to find out more.

The Stanislaus County office told him Ashley had died in July 1995.

A news story Davenport obtained, published in the Modesto Bee, stated that Ashley, then 6 years old, was killed in a car accident on July 3, 1995. Her mother was driving and accelerated through a red light. The car was broadsided on the front passenger side.

Ashley was riding in a passenger's lap in the front seat. She was ejected from the vehicle and suffered fatal chest and head injuries, according to an accident report from the Modesto Police Department.

A later article in the Bee stated that Ashley's mother stayed one day in jail and received three years probation as a result of the accident.

Janece Rolfe, a spokeswoman for the Texas Attorney General's office child support division, said Texas was notified of the death in September 2005 by the Stanislaus County office - 10 years after Ashley's death.

Rolfe said Texas is in discussions with California at this time about the Davenport case.

"We're going over everything with a fine-toothed comb," Rolfe said.

In Texas, "we routinely match our case load with death certificates issued by the Vital Statistics Unit through the Texas Department of State Health Services," Rolfe said. Rolfe said the systems differ state by state, and the same procedures might not be in place in California.

Neal Selover, public information officer with the Stanislaus County Department of Child Support Services, said he was not able to speak about specific cases, citing privacy laws in California. He did not comment on any safeguards the office has to ensure clients are paying child support on live children and directed calls to the complaint division at the Stanislaus office.

In 1993, California opened a case on Ashley, and Texas was enlisted to collect the money from Davenport, who is now working as a mechanic in Wichita Falls. He said he did get behind a few times on the support payments and owed arrears.

He said he had been called to court numerous times, after 1995, and his bank account was even frozen in 2004 by the Texas Attorney General's office to pay arrears - nine years after Ashley's death.

He said he spoke with the Stanislaus office Tuesday, and they offered to send him a check for $2,000. But Davenport said he will not accept the money until they answer his questions, namely, how could both Texas and California lose a child for 11 years.

"I've got a bunch of questions they still have not answered," Davenport said. "The money is not the deal. I just want somebody to take responsibility for this."

He said he was considering obtaining legal counsel to deal with the agencies and get the story straight.

"They knew how to find me to take me to court, but they couldn't find me to tell me my little girl was dead."

Davenport and Ashley's mother had separated shortly after Ashley was born in 1988, and Davenport hadn't seen Ashley since she was 6 weeks old.

"We didn't get along," Davenport said of his former girlfriend. I was young and crazy, and one day I left to go to work and when I came home, she and Ashley were gone," Davenport said.

Davenport said he did a three-month stint in jail in California in 1988, and, by the time he got out, he had lost track of both Ashley and her mother. He said he decided to come back to Wichita Falls, his home, in 1990.

"I've tried to contact her all these years, and I haven't been able to find them," Davenport said.

Davenport has had a checkered past with the law, according to the Web site He admitted his criminal history.

"My past is my past. This isn't about me. This is about the state of Texas and the state of California losing my daughter for 11 years," Davenport said.

He said he was looking forward to this fall, when Ashley would have turned 18, so that he might be able to establish a relationship with her. Now, Davenport must deal with Ashley's death.

"Nobody should have to go through this, to send payments every week on current child support only to find out their daughter died all these years ago," Davenport said. "I don't know how to even express how I feel about this."

He just found out two weeks ago where his daughter is buried.

But Davenport is not ready to mourn.

He is preparing letters to send to every Attorney General's office in the United States. He said he's written letters to Gov. Rick Perry and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and has contacted Sen. Craig Estes' office.

"I'm too upset to mourn right now. I am very mad. It sounds like to me, the system is the deadbeat," Davenport said.,1891,TRN_5784_4756054,00.html
"The man who speaks to you of sacrifice, speaks of slaves and masters. And intends to be the master." -- Ayn Rand<br /><br />



They can force a man to pay for a child but they can't force the woman to let the man have visitation or even tell the man when the child dies. On top of that they can't even get the refund right. The way I see it they owe him $47,520.00 for 11 years of payments.
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.

Sir Percy

Faceless, soul-less, bureaucratic bastards.

When people give an 'opinion' that we human beings don't have a soul, we only need to look at the machine of bureaucracy to see what soul-lessness looks like.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


The father said he had been unable to locate his daughter.

While reading about something else I found this. The Federal Locator Program used by the child support enforcement system used to locate dads who don't pay child support , can be used to locate children of non custodial parents wishing to start visitation. Does not grant them visitation, however they can at least find out where the child lives.

Historically, the Federal Government held the view that visitation (also referred to as child access) and child support should be legally separate issues, and that only child support should be under the purview of the CSE Program. Both Federal and State policymakers have maintained that denial of visitation rights should be treated separately and should not be considered a reason for stopping support payments. Nonetheless, Census Bureau data indicate that it was more likely for noncustodial parents to make payments of child support if they had either joint custody or visitation rights. Thus, in order to promote visitation and better relations between custodial and noncustodial parents, the 1996 welfare reform law provided $10 million per year for grants to States for access and visitation programs, including mediation, counseling, education, and supervised visitation. In addition, as mentioned above, the 1996 law also expanded the scope of the FPLS to allow certain noncustodial parents to obtain information regarding the location of the custodial parent.

Darth Sidious

They did not steal from the child; they stole from her father for eleven years.  :evil:

The man had not seen his child since she was 6 weeks old.  Is this acceptable to steal a man's child and his money?  In this worthless society, it is. :angryfire:


Sorry, I did not mean to upset anyone. I was simply pleased to find something in the anti-male child support laws that might help a father to locate a missing child. You see, I believe that the child support laws are the root of all anti-male problems. And once in a while I come across some that are beyond belief. Such as  Title 42/Chapter7/SubChapter part D/666. In part it deals with paternity, there is a section that forbids jury trials for a man who is protesting paternity of a child. Now why do you suppose that there needs to be a law forbiding a jury trial?

Men's Rights Activist

"I'm too upset to mourn right now. I am very mad. It sounds like to me, the system is the deadbeat," Davenport said.

...and I was already planning to do a sign that says,


...and now the deadbeat government has proven the sign in spades - outrageous.  :x

My sympathy to this Dad, this Father's day.
Life, Liberty, & Pursuit of Happiness are fundamental rights for all (including males), & not contingent on gender feminist approval or denial. Consider my "Independence" from all tyrannical gender feminist ideology "Declared" - Here & Now!


Quote from: "kjm"
... In part it deals with paternity, there is a section that forbids jury trials for a man who is protesting paternity of a child. Now why do you suppose that there needs to be a law forbiding a jury trial?

I'm almost positive that Ohio law requires a jury trial if paternity is contested. This is only true of course if a an alleged sperm donor doesn't acknowledge a dna test, which is required when ASD doesn't take a woman at her word when she says it must be him because she hadn't been with anyone else.

How many other men, and why do they, listen to a woman when told to stay out of their children's lives? I'll answer the second part; it's because men know these women can make their life hell.

My step-son donated sperm to one of society's lowest forms of life 12 years ago, She broke it off and told him to stay away. 10 years later she decides she wants welfare, (apparently her drug business wasn't doing too well), State came a' knockin'
Explaining misandry to a feminist is like explaining "wet" to a fish.


Quote from: "kjm"
Sorry, I did not mean to upset anyone. I was simply pleased to find something in the anti-male child support laws that might help a father to locate a missing child. You see, I believe that the child support laws are the root of all anti-male problems. And once in a while I come across some that are beyond belief. Such as  Title 42/Chapter7/SubChapter part D/666. In part it deals with paternity, there is a section that forbids jury trials for a man who is protesting paternity of a child. Now why do you suppose that there needs to be a law forbiding a jury trial?

For any system to function properly it requires more than the appropriate rules. It's also necessary for the people operating that system - be it public servants, bureaurocrats, whomever - to have the will to do so. Unfortunately, those things that are put in place to guarantee rights for men are too often met with a casual shrug of the shoulders if not outright dismissal. When this applies even at the top level we have a problem.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.


Nice how they mention his "checkered past".... as if that is somehow going to make this atrocity any less.

I thought a persons past was off limits when they are a victim?  Oh wait.. sorry, silly me.

I want to know if the CS people were sending the money to dear ole mom after the child was deceased ... what with being the best parent in the interet of the child 'n all. If so, then shouldn't she have a significant amount of responsibility in this as well!??

The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.


Quote from: "TheManOnTheStreet"
Nice how they mention his "checkered past".... as if that is somehow going to make this atrocity any less.

I thought a persons past was off limits when they are a victim?  Oh wait.. sorry, silly me.

I want to know if the CS people were sending the money to dear ole mom after the child was deceased ... what with being the best parent in the interet of the child 'n all. If so, then shouldn't she have a significant amount of responsibility in this as well!??


And if she was accepting the payments surely she is committing fraud.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.


You would think, wouldn't you......
The Man On The Street is on the street for a reason.......
It's not illegal to be male.....yet.

The Gonzman

God Allmighty.

If that man started killing people over this, I could see the provocation as having been sufficient.  The levels of injustice on this boggle the mind.

TYhat this could happen in this country almost convinces me that Timothy McVeigh was right.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the Shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the MEANEST son-of-a-bitch in the valley.


A very, very sad story indeed.

I hope this man finds it in his heart & mind to find resolve of some form. He must be torn in every imaginable direction at this time :(

And yes, I agree, they owe him 11yrs, not 6months.. they owe him an explanation, some retribution - someone's head NEEDS to roll for this screw-up, the mother should be in court for fraud (though I couldn't believe she got 1day in jail & 3yrs probation - is that a child's life is worth today?), and a his final statement sums it up perfectly:  "...I am very mad. It sounds like to me, the system is the deadbeat," Davenport said.

Very sad.
ny man living in this feminized world has got to be tough to tolerate it.

>> <<


Quote from: "karlmathews"
A very, very sad story indeed.

I hope this man finds it in his heart & mind to find resolve of some form. He must be torn in every imaginable direction at this time :(

And yes, I agree, they owe him 11yrs, not 6months.. they owe him an explanation, some retribution - someone's head NEEDS to roll for this screw-up, the mother should be in court for fraud (though I couldn't believe she got 1day in jail & 3yrs probation - is that a child's life is worth today?), and a his final statement sums it up perfectly:  "...I am very mad. It sounds like to me, the system is the deadbeat," Davenport said.

Very sad.

You forget. Killing her offspring is every woman's right, and choice. Before, during and after.
In 95% of things 100% of people are alike. It's the other 5%, the bits that are different, that make us interesting. It's also the key to our existence, and future, as a species.

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