I call out BRIAN.

Started by Sir Percy, Jun 17, 2006, 06:50 AM

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Sir Percy

You take every opportunity to bash the war on terror and those fighting it Sir Percy. Well I am gooing to call you on it every time I see you do it so get used to it.

For the record, I am a staunch supporter of waging war on terrorists. I fully support our troops and yours and everyone elses engaged in this war. Perhaps you can ask Steve Beene. He and I have exchanged a few pms and I would be sure that he will back me up that I have always given him and his colleagues my total confidence and praise.

I do not 'bash' the war. I do not 'bash' those fighting it. I do not 'take every opportunity' to 'bash' either the war or the troops fighting it.

I defy you to call me out whenever you see me do it. Were you in my presence I would call you outside and give you the thrashing you deserve for the calumny.

Like many others who have experience of war here, I can recognise deficiencies in the conduct of operations. I can critique the matters as can anyone else. The American, Australian and British Generals do so regularly, calling for more and better resources and plans. They recognise that things could go a lot better and I agree with them. Seeking better means is a duty.

I am as heartfelt for the 2500 tropps that have been killed and the tens of thousands more that have been wounded. I praise them. I empathise with them. These men are my brothers.

For you, Brian, to say that this means that I 'bash', then you are a fool. More than that, you are a damned liar.

An unreserved apology is required.

And please, tell us, are you the same Brian who did his best to wreck the iFem board with his appaling claims and mendacities and lies ? I notice that you are a recent arrival here.

Now, if this post topic means that Dr E will ban me - he closed down the topic from which the quote was taken without affording a right to reply to the calumny -  then perhaps I should not be here.
vil, like misery, is Protean, and never greater than when committed in the name of 'right'. To commit evil when they are convinced they are doing 'good', is one of the greatest of pleasures known to a feminist.


Paging Dr E - MIDI file request for this thread : "War! (what is it good for?)"

SP and Brian - I will be serving tea and biscuits on page 2 of this thread.  Galt will be showing his holiday slides on page 3. We will all shake hands and say sorry to each other by page 7 :D


You know what Percy, It will be a cold day in hell, and Satan will be skiing on a glacier before I appologize. Call me a liar if you want. You are the classic keyboard hardass who blows up and gets defensive when called on the carpet.

P.S. I loved this little jewel:

I defy you to call me out whenever you see me do it. Were you in my presence I would call you outside and give you the thrashing you deserve for the calumny.

Threat of physical violence to someone thousands of miles away is another hallmark of the keyboard hardass.
You may sleep soundly at night because rough men stand ready to visit violence upon those who seek to harm you.


Quote from: "IMHO"
Galt will be showing his holiday slides on page 3.

They're a little over 2 hours, so make time for them.

dr e

SP that is uncalled for.  Thats another warning for you.

Brian that is also a warning for you.

I changed the title of this thread because it was a personal attack.

As a side note, if you want to discuss politics please take it to the History and Politics Board.
Contact dr e  Lifeboats for the ladies and children, icy waters for the men.  Women have rights and men have responsibilties.

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