It's because a great deal of us HAVE tried to respond to the articles. The Amber!(tm) reacts hysterically when her premises are challenged in any way, producing the litany of "Anti-woman, conservative hating, liberal, anti-marriage, anti-family meninist MRA." These attacks are reflex. Once the Amber!(tm) reads a disagreement with what she says, the rest of the missive is ignored. She eschews any thoughtful dialogue on the subject, assuming that any such difference of opinion with her is done out of mean-spirited hatred of her on a personal level.
She then spews venom and hatred. And is amazed when venom and hatred is the wages she recieves.
Don't believe me? Don't take my word for it. Try it yourself. Go to MND, read one of her latest articles, and use your throwaway SPAM account to question her pronouncements. See what you get in response.