Look, you asked. You got answered. Of couirse dozens of people say the same damn thing, but no, we're wrong, and we...
Christ in a bucket.
Advocating that neither men nor women should act like assholes, or drive against traffic, or eat rat poison isn't advocating anything in the way of egalitarianism. Yeah, in that respect you're right -
You advocate that men should be the ones to go off and fight and die - but women should have full say in making the policies they die for.
You advocate that women should have the right to home or career, as they choose. Should men? Or are men who decide they want to "choose" meninists, like Karen DeCoster says? If men are going to have a "responsibility" s to support their families when push comes to shove, should they or should they not recieve preferences in hiring, raises, promotions, and such? Yes or No?
Should there, or should there not be a rebuttable presumption of joint custody in the case of divorce? Notice carefully, Amber, we "anti-woman MRAs" all use this term. Or are you another one of these traditionalist, ertsatz anti-feminists who want to make sure you still have the "screw the man" trump card reserved for yourself?
Alimony - abolish it? Yes or no?
Susan Smith, Andrea Yates - should they have recieved Death Sentences - JUST LIKE A MAN WOULD HAVE? Yes or no?
If I defrauded you out of a hundred grand over a fifteen year period, I would go to jail, and be subject to draconian repayment. Should women who defraud men similarly through paternity fraud suffer similar consequences? Yes or No? Should they suffer ANY consequences, of a real nature? Or just get a "tsk, tsk, you bad girl, shouln't oughter" from society?
You believe in Marriage? Real case - done countless times - Anne and Bob are married. One day Anne decides she isn't "fulfilled" so she starts an affair, files a bogus charge of abuse to get Bob out of the house, and takes him for kids and the "infrastructure." (House, car, bank accounts, etc.) Bob is also stuck with the bills, the mortgage, and Child support, even though his business collapsed (Anne got half of it, and cashed her chips in, leaving Bob with insufficient capital to continue) Bob is still liable for an imputed income of triple what he makes. It can be empirically stated that bob was a loyal, hardworking, and gentle man who never raised his hand and hardly ever his voice. Crock of shit, or no? Should meaningful change be enacted in such a system? Better yet, since Anne unilaterally decided to trash the marriage, is it or is it not right and just that she walk out with no legal entitlements to anything - just like a man would if he abandoned his family? Yes or no? Is she scum, or is it "different" because she's a woman?
Ypou want to impress MRAs, and give them no ammunition? Try addressing the issues that mean something to them, rather than superficialities.